Card Recognition

Monday, September 30, 2013


hello Monday morning... today's card is for the new PTI Make It Monday Challenge, repeat and lift... a great tip for adding a bit of dimension to your card with a coordinating stamp and die sentiment.  I've used the PTI wonderful words hello set, plus the hexagon cover plate for the embossing, some May Arts chevron ribbon, some sequins from Maria and some Ranger Ink misting.

So in the spirit of my usual Monday morning procrastination....  enjoy the card...  

Sunday, September 29, 2013

gold hello tag

So my craft desk is normally a huge disaster... and the one advantage to that is when you decide to make something, there are often random scraps within arm's reach... today's project uses a tag I cut out of an attempt at this card, so it uses the PTI Make It Monday technique of the embossing paste and it works for the Moxie Fab World "All That Glitters is Gold" challenge.  I've wrapped the gift in May Arts silk and tied a bow with May Arts sheer ruffle ribbon and you can't really see the May Arts woven velvet.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

hello there

Hello there...  so it's Saturday morning and in my state of procrastinating I found inspiration from Cath's Moxie Fab post with a whole bunch of fabulous cards and decided to CASE Donna's card, but since challenge happy girl over here wanted to play along with some of the Moxie Fab World Handmade Cards challenge, I've added some washi tape to this card for the Stickers and Tape challenge, a wood branch for the Metal, Wood and Cork Challenge and the flower for the General Craft Challenge (b/c while they didn't jump off the craft shelf at me I have a draw full of them from past DT projects and I'm constantly wonder what to do with them).  While I'd love a wooden die cut square, I didn't have one of those in my drawers, so I upcycled one of the take out coffee holders I have in a box, to add a little extra texture to the die cut.  And if you saw my recent card FB post you'll see that I took a leap and dropped some cards off at a local artisan boutique...  if they all sell I'm going shopping :)

Friday, September 27, 2013

season's greetings, ski card

TGIF friends...  I got a box of a few new PTI goodies, because for those who know me, you'll know that I ski... a lot... and who can resist a PTI set with skis and snowflake dies?  Not me, obviously...   I wanted to play along with the Make It Monday challenge again, so this time I added some embossing power/glitter to the top of the paste (using the Chevron cover plate), it's a bit messy and this card is really only good for the person who opens it outside... but maybe fake snow will help the real stuff come down from the sky?  And since I started my day on the shores of Lake Tahoe, here's a snap shot from our quick trip up the hill.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

wreath thank you wine tag

Welcome to another PTI blog hop, this month the challenge is wreaths... and I have to admit my anniversary set from last year has gotten very little love... so why not ink it up!  For those of you who follow my blog this post come with a few of my favorite things-- May Arts ribbon, kraft and red and a wine tag!  No surprises this morning....  Can you believe I have a Christmas gift ready and it's not even October?  And I've got a fun little contest on my work blog, if any of you want to play along... where in the world..... will ship internationally if you win, and if you say you're a crafty friend I'll probably include a card.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

grind, scoop, pour and happy birthday card

You know for a person who has a lot of fun patterned paper, I don't use it very often in my cards...  I'm playing along with the new Fusion Challenge, using both the inspiration and the sketch.  Love it when my blogging friends challenge me to play along (yes, Lynn, got that message loud and clear).  

And this card is inspired by the latest Runway Inspired Challenge, don't you love how I opted out of the light pink?  I inked up my In Bloom impression plate and ran it through the die cut machine giving the background a fun faux letterpress feel to the card and added a vellum panel and leaves and then wrapped the whole thing with May Arts ribbon.

Okay, here's my challenge to you guys... post a comment on this blog post to play my game of guess the location for your chance to win a free coffee mug.

Monday, September 23, 2013

gold dust couple

Embossing paste with Dreamweaver metallic F/X shimmer equals a delightful mess....  I'd played with the combo here, but today's PTI Make It Monday it to use a PTI impression plate, so I used the hexagons and dressed up this snazzy couple for the Moxie Fab World "All That Glitters is Gold" challenge.  And I have these friends who have a local event planning business called Gold Dust Collective, and I don't know about you, but I think they need this card!  Happy Monday...  now I feel like I need to go to a fancy party...  covered in gold dust over here.  (Check back on my work blog for the party I did go to last night, I'm awe that our town can put on such amazing shows, photos coming later this morning...).

Saturday, September 21, 2013

wood tree card

Today's card is another one of those, sit down to make something, get distracted by the slew of random things on the desk and end up creating something other then the original train of thought.  The weather has turned here and I love fall... so when I was looking at the white birch wood paper cut out of the PTI tree (which was chilling on my desk waiting for an occasion), I decided to stamp the leaves.  I love the way this wood paper looks, gives it a whole new texture.  Part of my thought process was to play along with Cath's Moxie Fab World "Metal, Wood or Cork" challenge.

And this sentiment is so fun, "Leaves fall and the wind blows.  The tress slowly change from summery cottongs into their winter wools."  Such the right word choice for today's cooler temperatures.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

sister vintage trailer tag

Cath has challenged us over at Moxie Fab World to pull out "Metal, Wood or Cork" I made this super CAS tag out of a sheet of wood paper, stamped a trailer and sentiment on it and wrapped the gift in May Arts ivory stripe ribbon.  My sister would love this, click here to read her article she wrote about lusting after an airstream.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

thank you

Today's card is based on Lisa's Dallhouse design's Wanna sketch and PTI Make It Monday (border dies) challenge.  For my layered border dies I used the PTI chevron dies, love the white on white look.    I'm not sure what I think of the finished card to be onest, maybe it needed more white?  Different sentiment?  Who knows... onward... there will be another card (probably tomorrow).

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

homemade get well wishes

Today's card has been sitting in pieces on my desk for days... do you guys have that, spurts of creativity and productivity and weeks where it takes 4 days to finish a card?  I'm playing along with the WPlus9 Monday Mood Board, Elise is stepping down from the DT and Dawn has challenged us to use her above card as a source of inspiration.  Aren't you ladies impressed that I didn't do red chevron?  (I love that this is the extra from this card I made).  I've been one busy butterfly, seriously I live in a town that never stops doing cool things, a vintage street fairwine event, triathlon and an amazing dance performance-- and that was in the 4 days that the card didn't get put together....  

Saturday, September 14, 2013

hexagon thanks

I am a crafter who loves a good challenge and often has very small windows in which to create, so the 10 minute craft dash is right up my alley (especially since I often don't put things away, so there's always something within arms reach).  The above card took my 7 minutes exactly to create.  (See below for the first attempt at the challenge, which took me 17 minutes to make, so therefore I had all the pieces cut out and just sitting there!).

And I'm going to a wine tasting event today (click here for last year's event, or just check back on my work blog later tonight for today's photos), so I thought I'd make a wine tag.  I added a pinterest board of many of my past wine tags and I'm in awe of how much activity it's getting, I've been shying away from Pinterest for my crafty hat, but the wine tags might tip me on over to the dark side.

And here's just another version of the same card...

And this was take one on the craft dash, which didn't make the under 10 minute mark.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

hello friend

So Cath, over at Moxie Fab World, has a "all that glitters is gold" challenge going on and I'm not sure where I came up with the inspiration for this card, it's a bit out of my normal look.  Someone in the crafting world was using embossing paste and it stuck in the back of my mind, so I pulled it out with the little jar of gold Dreamweaver Stencil Metallic F/X and made a huge mess... and then sprayed the rest of the card with Tattered Angels gold mist... fun!  

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


I sat down to make something else and low and behold I made a tag...  CAS, simple, and perfect for any occasion.  I won a gift certificate from WMS from their PJ party and promptly spent it :)  Had to play with new stamps, right?  I've used WMS Simple Spring with Pint Sized Heroes sentiment and added some May Arts silk and metallic velvet ribbon.  Right, now what was I suppose to be working on?

Monday, September 9, 2013


Good morning...  another decorated Gertie's granola tin, this morning I've used the new PTI Make It Monday stripped embossing powder challenge-- it was Nichole's comment about cup of coffee that sent me on my path.  I've used some fun May Arts ribbon, 4 inch burlap, ivory stripes, faux canvas and burlap string for this project.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Upcoming Halloween Card Class

Is Halloween really around the corner?  My next local card making class is about Halloween and I managed to make 2 card samples this week (I'm never this organized).  Anyone want to come and play?  The class is Wednesday, October 2nd, 6:00-7:30pm at Ben Franklin in Grass Valley.

And here are two photos from the class this week, it was all about mists and let me tell you we made a mess!  I love that the class was a birthday party, I mean who wouldn't want to celebrate their birthday with their friends and making cards with me?

And since I feel like I've been neglecting my card blog this week check out my work blog for some of the fun I have been up to...   Nevada City has far too much going on....  

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Happy Birthday

I sent off a card order the other week and this is one of the cards I included, not sure this works for any challenges, but thought I'd share it here now, as I'm too tired to create anything new...  wish me luck tomorrow my card class has 12 people in it, eek!  

Monday, September 2, 2013

rolled burlap flower hot cocoa tin

Let us call this project really what it is-- procrastinating at its finest.  Anyone interested in the path?  So today is the last day for the Moxie Fab World Christmas challenges, and while I'm not really in the festive holiday spirit I noticed that the Holiday Food & Wrap was lacking some love, so, challenge happy girl that I am thought this would be a good use of my time (Lynn, this is where you perhaps tell me that walking out the door for a run in the rain would be a better use of my time).  So last week I did an online card class on rolled ribbon flowers for Charity Wings and while the original project was with chevron twill, because of the interactive nature of the class the gals asked to see the technique with burlap, so I made the above flower.  So in the spirit of procrastinating this morning I went for my favorite color combo of kraft and red, upcycling a Gertie's granola tin into a stylish holder for some homemade hot cocoa packets (which you can't see, but if you look closely on the flower, you'll see where I accidentally spilled hot cocoa all over my project).   But then after I'd play with the May Arts 4 inch burlap and the faux burlap, I was trying to figure out how to take it up a notch for the holidays, and enter May Arts silk.  And presto, a perfect present ready for the tree...    Can I say I am never this organized?  Thanks Cath for the motivation... now off for that run.  

Sunday, September 1, 2013

you are my sunshine

So one last card for the WMS Pajama party, the challenge was to tie a knot and I thought of Yaniea's fabulous card from earlier this year, so I CASEd it (with wider May Arts chevron ribbons).  I've used the WMS Pint Sized Heroes sentiment for the card, Hero Arts sun and PTI cloud dies.  Have I mentioned before how much I love simple cards?