Card Recognition

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

for Cath (Sans CHA) feel better

I seriously love the blog community.  I totally wanted to jump on board this morning when I saw the blog hop that Virginia organized for the Moxie Fab Ms. Cath, who's not at CHA with the rest of the Paper Crafts crew-- although love the flat Cath photos.  Today's card uses this week's Make It Monday technique "Dimensions Sentiment Banner".  Right-o... off to check out some of the rest of the fabulous get well cards.  

Materials: PTI Mat Stack 1 Collection, PTI Mat Stack 5 Collection, Waltzingmouse Stamps Say It Loud sentiment, PTI Mat Stack 5 die, PTI grid impression plate, Hero Arts Earth Designer Paper, PTI kraft card stock, PTI kraft ink, Tim Holtz distress stain antique linen, Tattered Angels black mist, Verafine black ink

Monday, January 30, 2012

best wishes wine label

Another wine label, imagine that?  (If you've just stumbled on my blog go back a few posts and you'll see there are more wine labels).  Today's CAS wine label uses the Play Date Cafe colors and a loose take on the CAS-ual Fridays sketch.  Hope everyone else is starting their week off on the right foot..  I keep wondering where the time goes...  

Materials: PTI Rosie Posie stamp and die, Lawn Fawn Bannerific, PTI Mat Stack 1 Collection sentiment, PTI Mat Stack 5 die, tracing paper, PTI cream card stock, Tim Holtz Distress inks faded jeans and dusty concord, Stazon Cactus Green, Smooch Spritz Navy Twinkle, PTI Limitless Layers 1 3/4 inch die, PTI edgers die, Versafine black ink

Sunday, January 29, 2012

celebrate card/wine label and coffee card

Happy Sunday Blogland!  I've got a couple of goodies to share today.  First up I used the Moxie Fab World Tuesday Trigger and the Waltzingmouse Sketch Challenge to create this wine label.  I posted a wine label on Wednesday (click here) to said that I was going to use it as a promotional item to try to rent some more rooms at the fabulous Outside Inn (my day job), and guess what-- it worked!!!  

And this is the card that goes with the wine label, inspiration from Maile's card here.

And last, but not least-- my 365 Cards Super Sketchy Card...  the coffee cups from this card were what inspired yesterday's project, because if your desk looks like mine you'd realize I never put anything away!  I'd love to see how the sketch inspires you...  

Materials: PTI Rosie Posie, PTI Mat Stack 5 Collection, Waltzingmouse Stamps Say It Loud, PTI cream card stock, PTI kraft ink, Hero Arts shadow ink, Tim Holtz distress inks mustard yellow, Versafine black ink, Stampendous clear embossing powder, My Favorite Things scallop die, PTI edgers die, EK Success corner rounder, May Arts natural string

Coffee card: PTI Warm Happiness too, Cosmo Cricket Garden Variety patterned paper, Crate Paper border sticker, Tim Holtz embossing folder, EK Success circle punch, Versafine black ink, PTI kraft card stock,  Tim Holtz distress stain antique linen

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Shaker Coffee Gift Card Holder

I'd never made a shaker card, but this week's Make It Monday technique video showed me that really it's totally doable.  (Okay I'll admit that since this was my first attempt, that I do have a bit of glitter leaking out of my frame, so I've got room for improvement on this design).  So I decided to combine the shaker challenge with the Just Us Girls template challenge (Valentine's theme).  Thanks to Kristina's Two Peas gift card template (which I used here and here) I added some Smooch spitz and presto-- a fabulous gift card holder.  And while the video uses fun foam, I didn't have any, so I just die cut out extra layers of the mat stack out of the cereal box, worked perfectly.

Materials: PTI Warm Happiness Too, PTI Mat Stack 1 die, EK Success 1 3/4 th inch circle punch, PTI kraft and cream card stock, Tim Holtz Distress ink worn lipstock, PTI kraft ink, Versafine black ink, Smooch Cherry and Vanilla Ice Spritz, Glossy Accents, acetate, Art Glitter Sala Glitz silver

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

PTI Blog Hop, Happy Anniversary

Welcome to another PTI blog hop, a feast for all PTI fans of amazing creations.  This month Nichole has challenged us to spotlight our favorite project from last year and create a new project inspired by the favorite.
I made this thank you card last year for the Make It Monday brayer technique challenge and just love the way it looks.  I have been making all sorts of fabulous wine labels and since life in the motel business is pretty slow in the winter, I thought that I'd have a celebrations promotion-- book a room and the Outside Inn will toast you with a handmade label and maybe a special card.  Some friends came to stay last week who were celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary, so while I should've made this in advance, I promised if they came back after I'd gotten my act together I'd give them their belated gift, thankfully they're local and thought that sounded great.  So, cheers for my Feburary "special occasions" promotion at work... hopefully I will be making a few more of these labels?

Materials: Label: PTI Mat Stack 2 Collection, PTI In Bloom Impression plate, PTI Mat Stack 2 die, PTI double sided banner die, PTI edgers, PTI cream card stock, vellum, Perfect Pearls, Versafine black ink, Stampendous clear embossing powder, Tim Holtz distress inks: fired brick, worn lip stick, ripe persimmions, mustard seed, Tattered Angels black mist, PTI limitless circles 1 3/4th inch die, EK Success corner rounder

Card: PTI Daily Designs sentiment, PTI Mat Stack 1 die, PTI In Bloom Impression plate,  PTI cream and kraft card stock, vellum, Perfect Pearls, Versafine black ink, Tim Holtz distress inks: fired brick, worn lip stick, ripe persimmions, mustard seed, PTI limitless circles 1 3/4th inch die, EK 1 3/4th inch circle punch, May Arts natural string, Tim Holtz distress stain antique linen

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

love you and journal

Today's card was inspired by two different challenges, Virigina's Lily Pad Cards and Jen's Runway Inspired Challenge.  The CAS girl in me thinks perhaps I shouldn't of combined the two-- since the fun rainbow letters might've stood out more on all white... but oh well, live and learn.  I used my Making Memories Eyelet tool took to create the the "strings" and I think that's good use of a smaller hole punch for the Moxie Fab World punches challenge.

And the next project doesn't currently have a challenge agenda, it's actually the prize for a contest.  My friend Kim Culbertson is launching a book next week and she's having a contest on  I posted the first one here, the second one here and today I'm showing you the third homemade journal.

Materials: Heart stamps from stash, PTI Tiny Tags heart, PTI letters die, May Arts natural fiber string, Stamendous white embossing powder, Tim Holtz fired brick distress ink, Smooch Cherry Ice spritz, white card stock, Coredinations card stock, Making Memories Eyelet punch

Beautiful Things: Basic Grey chipboard butterfly, PTI Postmarked, Crate Paper border stickers, PTI Mat Stack 2 die, PTI In Bloom, vellum, Authentique Blissful patterened paper, black card stock, Versafine black ink, PTI alphabet die, Tattered Angels black mist, Moondance white ink, Smooch Vanilla Ice spritz, May Arts natural fiber string

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Super Sunday Non-Card projects

Welcome to another Super Sketchy Sunday at 365 Cards.  Today I took the sketch and made two different projects, neither of them cards.  The first one is a tea bag baggie, from the WMS template.  I used black and white for the CAS-ual Fridays "Penguin Suit" challenge.

The second one is a notebook.  My girlfriend is hosting a contest for the launch of her new e-book on the 1st of Feb and I made the "three homemade journals" for the giveaway.  I'll share the third one soon, as true to me, they are all different and unique.  To see the first journal click here.  I'm also going to enter this one is the Moxie Fab World die cut challenge because I love how the scallop circle leaves a nice contrast behind the embossed flowers.

Now it's your turn, how does the sketch inspire you?

Materials: Paper Smooches Hot Concoctions tea pot, The Greeting Farm Tea-rrific sentiment, Waltzingmouse Stamps Very Vintage Labels No 1, Spellbinders Labels One, WMS tea baggie template, Coredinations Core Amour Onyx Collection: Intrigue, Smooch Spritz, Versafine black in, vellum, PTI white card stock, ribbon from stash, Recollections black rhinestone

Notebook: Hero Arts Newspaper Tulip, SRM sticker, PTI All Booked Up Impression plate, Spellbinders scallop circles die, vellum, Twinery cappuccino twine, Stampendous clear embossing powder, Recollections black rhinestone, Tim Holtz vintage photo distress ink, Smooch spritz, Tattered Angles black mist, journal from Ben Franklin, Versafine black ink

Saturday, January 21, 2012


I don't normally post more then one project a day, but I made this journal for a friend's upcoming giveaway, details to be shared a bit later and since I was inspired by Lucy's Cards Inspiration Day #4 I thought I'd better link up before time runs out. So much for the winter weather I was talking about this morning, the sun is out and there's not a cloud in the sky.

Materials: PTI All Booked Up, PTI Mat Stack 3 Collection, PTI Mat Stack 3 dies, My Favorite Things stickers, Versafine black ink, My Mind's Eye Lime Twist patterned paper, May Arts natural string, Tattered Angels black mist, Smooch clear spritz, EK Success 1 3/4th inch circle punch

You Make Me Happy Every Day

Happy Saturday!  Winter has finally arrived in California and while I love sunshine, I'm excited about the rain and snow (for now).  Today's card was inspired by a few challenges (Waltzingmouse Sketch Challenge, Lawnscaping winter theme and CR84FN colors).  And since Mr. Ben didn't win last week's WMS sketch random draw he wanted to play again.  So below is his take on the sketch with "his" WMS half pint heroes set.


Materials: Making Frost Friends, Waltzingmouse Very Vintage Frames #1, Waltzingmouse Half Pint Heroes sentiment, PTI snowflake impression plate, vellum, PTI white card stock, Stampendous silver and clear embossing powder, Versafine black ink, silver ink, Spellbinders Label 1 die, PTI double sided banner die, Authentique Blissful patterened paper, pink scraps, colored pencil

Ben's Card: Waltzingmouse Stamps Half Pint Heroes,  Card stock from scraps, PTI Photo Finishers die, Hero Arts kids red ink

Thursday, January 19, 2012

one theme, three ways

My sister works in the free ski world and was greatly effected by today's loss of athlete Sarah Burke.  So thinking of her I made these three cards, all different, but using the same elements and trying to convene the same feeling.

The first card uses the Make It Monday technique of Ghost Masking.

This one uses Jay Gee's Nook color board.

And this one uses the Play Date Cafe colors and instead of the PTI In Bloom flowers I used the leaves.

Materials: PTI In Bloom, PTI Mat Stack 1 Collection, Versafine black ink, water color pencils, PTI cream card stock, EK Success corner rounder punch

PTI In Bloom, Mat Stack 1 Collection, Waltzingmouse Stamps Frame It sentiment, PTI Mat Stack 1 die, PTI In Bloom die, Tim Holtz woodgrain embossing folder, PTI cream card stock, burlap, Versafine black ink, Tim Holtz distress stain antique linen

PTI In Bloom, Waltzingmouse Stamps Say it Loud, PTI Mat Stack 1 frame and die, burlap, PTI kraft and chocolate chip card stock, Coredinations card stock, Versafine black ink, Tim Holtz woodgrain embossing folder, Stampendous clear embossing powder, Tim Holtz Distress Stain antique linen

Sunday, January 15, 2012

one sketch, 2 ways

Welcome to another 365 Cards Super Sketchy Sunday.  I took the sketch and made two very different cards, love when inspiration works that way.

In addition to the sketch, I also die cut scallops out of a topo map for the CAS-ual Friday challenge and Moxie Fab World "map to your heart" challenge.

This one uses the Play Date Cafe colors and one of Monika's fun tags from her I love It All etsy shop.  Happy Sunday, I'd love to see how the sketch inspires you!

Materials: Unity trailer, Recollections Road Trip sentiment, Tim Holtz woodgrain embossing folder, Spellbinders scallop circle die, My Favorite Things scallop die, PTI kraft card stock, Versafine black ink, water color pencils, May Arts natural string, Tim Holtz distress stain antique linen

Thanks Card: I love it All tag, Coredinations card stock, Tim Holtz brick embossing folder, PTI Edgers die, PTI kraft card stock, Sharpie black market, May Arts natural string

Friday, January 13, 2012

TGIF Wine Labels

As some of you've seen, my card blog has been taken over by wine labels.  Well today I've got 3 more to share and I'm happy to report that I mailed off all 12 of them, woo hoo!  Custom order complete.  I'll share the rest of them soon.  The top label was my attempt to CASE this one, but it morphed into its own label.  I added some scallops for the CAS-ual Fridays "scallops" challenge.

This label uses the Unity Sketch Challenge and Lucy's Cards Inspiration Day #2.  And since it's Friday, I'm going to play along with the Friends With Flair crew over at Unity.


This last one was inspired by the fabulous Hero Arts hop this week, talk about talent!  I used the new HA newspaper Tullips (embossed on vellum) over some fabulous Hero Arts patterned card stock.  I used the January challenge colors for their challenge.

Materials: to be added later, must feed hungry children

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

black and white Happy Birthday wine label

Look, another wine label!  For those of you keeping count this is label 7 of 12.  I combined the Waltzingmouse Sketch challenge with the Runway Inspired photo.  

Materials: Waltzingmouse Say It Loud, SRM sticker, EK Success chevron punch, PTI Limitless Layers 1 3/4th inch die, Tattered Angels black mist, Versafine black ink, Stampendous clear and silver tinsel embossing powder, Recollections black rhinestones, Spellbinders circle die, PTI edgers die, EK Success corner rounder